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Requirements to Purchase a puppy

We have very strict requirements that you must meet in order to be eligible to purchase one of our puppies. We have these in place to ensure the safety of our pups, their quality of life, and that you have a lifelong companion that you truly enjoy. As we have said before wolf dogs are NOT for everyone. Below are SOME of our basic requirements.


  • You MUST live in a legal area. Don’t hesitate to ask us questions. We will gladly help you figure out if your city and state is legal or not. 

  • You must have at least basic knowledge of wolf dogs and their behavior. Do your research. If you have general questions do not hesitate to ask!

  • Must be willing to sign our contract. We have a contract in place which does include a spay/neuter clause, return policy and much more.We are happy to send you a copy of our contract for you to review before deciding to move forward. 

  • Proper Containment is an absolute must. The specific type of containment greatly depends on the content of puppy you are inquiring about, 6ft to 8ft+ fencing, dig guards and lean ins. Please don’t hesitate to message us about containments questions! You have up to a year to have an enclosure, fence or kennel built. With a lot of patience, they can be indoor pets but need a lot of training and need a proper outdoor containment for some outside time. 

  • If you are interested in purchasing a puppy with breeding rights, understand that I am very picky on who I allow to do this. Breeding rights are only available to other reputable wolf dog breeders. Embark and picture of your wolfdog you plan to breed with one of our wolfdog pups. Breeding Rights also have an additional cost which varies depending on the content.

  • Must OWN your home and have the financial means necessary to properly care for a wolf dog. This is required because as stated above these animals can be very destructive and because of that the vast majority of landlords will not allow them. Plus the containment that is required is not something that can be constructed on a rental property. Wolf dogs are also not cheap animals to own, the containment alone is very expensive but they also need to be supplemented with a raw diet, and of course have routine veterinary care.

  • You must be willing to provide frequent updates to us throughout your puppies entire life. Photos/videos of the pup you purchased from us can be shared via text, email or social media, remember I loved them first and I want nothing more than to watch them live long happy lives


    • Puppies must be picked up by you or a USDA transporter from our location unless we say otherwise. ​


These are some of our basic requirements, we will expect proof of each one, and we reserve the right to deny you a puppy for any reason if we feel you are not a good match. 

Purchasing wolfdog Requirements : Wolfdog Requirements
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